Pictures of Dear Darla Ghost

If you don’t know about the Ghost of Monte Ne “Dear Darla” I strongly suggest you read her story. The Ghost of Dear Darla is spotted every year around Halloween night walking around Monte Ne in Rogers Arkansas, most recently sighted by visitors in the hotel ruins looking out of a window.

Picture of Dear Darla's Ghost

A woman named Amanda Eldridge published a photo that she believes it is the ghost of Darla Johnson aka Dear Darla. Hard to see Darla in the original photo but after converting the picture to a negative image you can clearly see some sort of entity looking down from the window.

Picture of Dear Darla's Ghost

We think this is a solid hit but would love to see more photos if any are out there. We will gladly publish and give credit to anyone who can provide additional images. Who knows, she may pick you as the one who gives her a ride home this year.
